Never let it be said that Bobo Glaukon was a disloyal servant of Athena.
LO and Reddit
Over the New Year my reddit karma passed 5,000, which is not amazing compared to extremely active Redditors, but quite respectable considering that I only post on reddit/r/lore_olympus, and only began in August. That means that every karma point I receive is from fellow LO fans.
I am generally averse to social media, because I believe it encourages shallow thought by overly prescribing formats. The classic examples are Twitter (with its character limitations) and Instagram (images only). They are fine for some people, but did not provide what I wanted out of communications with fellow fans. Even if I’m talking to no one, I want my ideas represented as cohesive whole’s not parsed into small bits for consumption a 5 sec apiece. I have found that in r/lore_olympus, and it is delightful.
Additionally, the r/lore_olympus community has been especially receptive of my hackneyed “fake texts” which I delight in posting, though Reddit itself has posed some technological challenges. Again, butting up against limitations was good for creative juices, because it forced me to parse the jokes and main points much more cleanly. On the other hand, I chafed against some of the seemingly arbitrary limitations, which led to the creation of this blog for reasons I have explained elsewhere.
This blog has turned into my major creative outlet. I have, thanks to suggestions from fellow fans, created a large number of fake texts, and have been posting them regularly. I felt free to do so, as an experiment to see how well received they were between Christmas, when I calculated that fewer people would be reading Reddit. As we enter the new year, the frequent postings feels spammy, and attention-grabby. My intent to posting on r/lore_olympus was never to generate attention to myself (what use does an owl have for attention anyway) but to draw people to the subreddit itself.
Going forward, for the next month or two at least, I will post fake text updates daily, but in the interest of being a good netizen, and participant of the subreddit, I will post to r/lore_olympus, with links to the blog, less frequently. By in large, I will post mostly those things to r/lore_olympus which are either: 1) responses to the subreddit, or other redditors, including suggestions and requests for fake texts, 2) initial messages in a series, or 3) something I’m especially proud of. If you like the content I produce, you can either follow me via RSS, or I will try to post to my profile and you can follow me there.
If I haven’t posted a link, and you want to post to reddit or anywhere else for that matter, please do! If you do, please drop me a line letting me know, and I will create an out link to that site, or at least check in on the discussion. Notifications are nice but certainly not necessary. I’m not trying to grow an audience, just have some fun. I hope you do, too.
Let me know if you have some ideas or characters you’d like to see in the, text messages, drop me a line or message me directly on Reddit. Feedback is always appreciated. I hope to have the comments up and running soon, too. As always, I’ll see you in the funny pages.