23 Dec 2019

A Saturnalia Present (to me)

I have decided to go for a “soft launch” of this website/blog as a Saturnalia present to me, and hopefully some fellow fans out there. I have been posting primarily to Reddit, although I periodically cross post to Discord, as well. While the interest and discussion at those outlets has been wonderful, I have felt the limitations on Reddit and Discord as platforms, and bristled against those limitations (for example the inability to post multiple pictures as part of the texts between characters). I was reluctant to go whole hog and get a blog somewhere like Blogger or Wordpress, just because I wouldn’t really gain anything in my other life other than additional responsibilities and time constraints, but then I found Jekyll for creating blogs, and I dove right in.

I don’t really know that much about Jekyll, so this is a rough website, or at least rougher than I would like. I want to learn Jekyll because it seems to fill a gap I have noticed for some time now, and I am surprised I have not learned of it before. I have nothing against other blog engines, but using Jekyll allows me the opportunity to learn a new tool, and still get the utility I want for free (less of course the time). I am still working on LO-fan produced content mostly for my own pleasure, but interaction with fellow fans is an important part of that personal pleasure.

I will continue to post my posts on Reddit and at Discord. I am not attempting to displace or compete with those locations. I don’t have any commenting capability, at this time, though I might add it later if readers think it might become useful. If there some useful kind of app or capability this site could have that is lacking at other LO-fandom sites, please don’t hesitate to let me know and I’ll see what I can do. The site will indubitably evolve as I hone my skills, but—as much as I like commenting on LO and making fan-content—it does not pay the bills, and therefore change will be spurious and in fits and starts.

I hope you enjoy my contributions, and I look forward to continued dialog regarding our shared fandom.

Bobo Glaukon

Never let it be said that Bobo Glaukon was a disloyal servant of Athena.